Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Robert Kiyosaki - Thrive and Survive 2013 and Beyond!

In following of Robert Kiyosaki - Rich Dad Poor Dad, Cashflow Quadrant, Business of The 21st Centery and Conspiracy of the Rich, so far we learn that we must have a plan to thrive and survive starting now 2013 and beyond.  Now is the time to take action.

Kim Kiyosaki gives us the five G's we must have to thrive and survive, what we will need is 1. Guns 2. Gold 3. Grub (food) 4. Ground (Real Estate) 5. Gas based on investing.  Kim also gives us a formula to follow, first we must search for a business, we must have cash flow, then invest with the profits, this will give us freedom.

Robert Kiyosaki tells us there are three ways we can make money work for us, first we need to find a good home based business, next get control of your taxes and lastly take your profits from the home business and buy assets.  If your are in need of a good home based business do your home work first.  There are many great Direct Marketing, MLM and Internet Marketing businesses out there, you can click here for your first look  .

To help us thrive and survive for 2013 and beyond, educating ourselves is a must we will need plenty of knowledge on how our finances work.  We are also going to need professional Advisers, a. Real Estate adviser to learn the market B. Tax Adviser to learn how the tax laws work C. Tech Adviser what the future of mobile brings to our businesses and family lives.

In my next article i will give you information on what these professional advisers say about how to thrive and survive, what to look for in 2013.

If you want more information on how to get involved with a good home based business just fill out the form to the right of this article .

Hope this helps
Marcus Thurman

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