Sunday, September 29, 2013

MyNetworkOne Live Webcast!

Join the Mynetworkone and the CEO Mr. Rod Wortham

Business Opportunity and Mr. Bill Rasmussen Founder of ESPN endorser of MyNetworkOne! on Tuesday October the 1st 

at 9:00 for our 1st Live Webcast, watch and 

listen on your cell phone, laptop, ipad, or your 

home pc join us anywhere you can get your eyes 

on screens.

Live Webcast Registration Page

Mr. Bill Rasmussen Founder of ESPN endorser of MyNetworkOne! and Secret Agent Marcus Thurman at the first Conference in New Port Richie Florida.  Below Is the MNO CEO Mr. Rod Wortham on the customized free homepage.  

Here is more information on the free interactive customized homepages, http//

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Bill's Webinar Invite

Mr. Bill Rasmussen Founder of ESPN endorser of MyNetworkOne!

Live Webcast Registration Page

Monday, September 16, 2013

My Net Work One - All Eyes are on Screens!

I want to start out by giving this Quote by the CEO of My Net Work One Mr. Rodwortham.  Quote:  In todays economy "all eyes are on screens" Mr. Wortham was not kidding, everywhere we go just look around it is clear evidence that all eyes are on screens the world is on their cell phones, I-pads, laptops, home computers and I-pod.

Mr. Wortham has Mynetworkone on the move making sure all eyes are on screens.  Mynetworkone will have coming in middle to end of September Live Webcast Videos, The MNO Online Network U-Stream Videos.  Now MNO Agents can invite everyone to watch Mr Wortham give a live Opportunity Presentation of the Mynetworkone product and services.  Agents can watch from any screen that has internet.  Learn how hundreds are using our simple share system to help others save money while taking control of their financial future.  Stay tuned to Marcus T's blog for the exact day and time in September so you can watch from anywhere, the live webcast of the Mynetworkone online homebased business opportunity!

Live Webcast Registration Page

Sneak Preview!  Coming in October "My MNO Online Shopping Mall over 200 of your favorite merchants.  You don't want to miss it.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Monday, September 2, 2013

Four Ways to Expose MyNetworkOne Business!

Hello Team Of Faith!

I have found a four ways you can expose your  MyNetworkOne Business to your potential prospects.  
Have your prospect go to the MNO affiliate homepage here is the url

Next have them scroll to bottom page and watch the four videos.
1st Video - Meet Charlie! the business opportunity!
2nd Video - How it Works! Give away homepag and app
3rd Video - What we Sell! - My1Stop, MyBizStop, and MyFundStop
4th Video - How You Earn! - We get paid by helping others save money on the things they are already going to buy.

Have your Prospect call you back when they have completed all of the videos, or you can call them back.  
Next ask open ended questions:
- Do you have any Questions?
- Are you ready to get started?
- Whats holding you back?

Next make sure you give them a free homepage!
If they want to see more three way Marcus or Kevin Or your Upline.

Hope this Helps!

Marcus Thurman