Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Work Place of The 21st Century!

There are four areas that will be the reasons why the 21st Century will be the age of entreprenuership
1.  Direct Selling
2.  Technology
3.  Home-Based Business
4.  Product Distribution
5.  Trillion Dollar Wellness Industry

Examine Paul Zane Pilzer’s wealth formula:  W = PXT
Wealth equals our personal resources (friends, business associates, education, talents & skills) multiplied by applying emerging technology. 

The Shopping Sherlock has Three of these future business building areas:
1.  Home-Based Business
2.  Direct Selling
3.  Technology

In the 21st Century for individuals, they will begin to take control of their retirement , health care, and the security of their families, it will no longer be in the hands of the government or organizations.
Paul Zane Pilzer Author of Other People's Money and Unlimited Wealth also ses the type of work place that people will be responsible for is their own economic future.  the only role of the government is to guarantee that each person be given equal opportunity.

There are many great direct companies on the up rise if you would like more information on the Sherlock home-based business please fill out the form to the right of page on my personal blog Marcusts blog post

Hope this helps!

Marcus Thurman

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Shopping Sherlock Video!

The best way to keep your tax money in your pocket is starting a online business!
Here is the Shopping Sherlock business overview!
If you would like more information please fill out the form to the right of page, with your name and email.

Monday, January 14, 2013

The Four Emotions About The Conspiracy Of The Rich

The bible tells us that knowledge is king, after reading Rich Dad's Conspiracy of The Rich I had all of these emotions that i was feeling I didn't know if i should be angry, disappointed, thankful or just blessed.

Should I be angry because i was misguided, deceived or just brainwashed through my schooling, the education system, I felt let down.  I was taught to go to school, get a good job, buy a house invest in a good portfolio, stocks bonds mutual funds.

Should I be disappointed for the lack of knowledge to realize that I needed a financial education before entering the work force, before I got married, bought a house, and started my retirement portfolio.

Maybe I should be thankful for the angels in the form of people in this world that do care for the less fortunate.  Thank God for the Rich Dad and Poor Dad, could Robert Kiyosaki be a modern day Mosses Hum! leading the masses out of financial bondage?

Maybe I should just consider this book "The Conspiracy Of The Rich" a blessing, a blessing that this book was revealed to me, blessed that now that I have this knowledge I can share the wisdom with others.

I encourage everyone  to do every thing you can to read this great wealth of knowledge by Robert Kiyosaki.  This book can change your way of thinking about your financial future.

Why Everyone Needs A Home Based Business. If you get a 2nd job, you'll pay too much in taxes! This video really drives it home!Learn how to save money and earn money.

 To get more information on a good home based business fill out the form to the right!

Thanks and hope this helps!

Marcus Thurman